VizSense Vizionary: Sonya Singh


VizSense Vizionaries

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Introducing the one and only Sonya Singh (@sonyaxsingh)! Sonya reigns from Florida and uses her platform to inspire other creators and her followers alike. As a long-time VizSense partner, we can always count on Sonya to deliver top-notch content, authentic engagement, and A1 communication to ensure our campaigns are seamless and successful. We're so excited to share Sonya's story to success below! Don't forget to show her page some love by following her Instagram @sonyaxsingh for some serious eye candy!

How did you find the inspiration to start your page and take the leap as a content creator?

Ever since I was a little girl I always wanted to become a model and be in the spotlight. My friends and I would take pictures of each other and it was so much fun! As I got older and realized that I was too short to get signed with an agency, I decided to keep going to prove that even short girls can model too! Instagram has taught me how to be confident and to not give up on your dreams. People are often shocked when I tell them that I’m only 5’1 and half lol because they think that I’m so tall! I use my platform to inspire other creators to make their dreams come true even if society encourages you not to.

What is your overall inspiration for your posts and Instagram feed?

I love color! Color is very prominent in my feed and aesthetic because it just makes me so happy. Living in south Florida I have access to a lot of colorful buildings, lush nature and sunny vibes. My nickname is Sunny and that explains why my feed is so bright and colorful.

How did you get your first brand sponsorship, and who was it with?

I got my first brand sponsorship with Tidal New York the summer of 2018. I was so excited to receive a pair of their sandals to create content with because I felt like I was an actual content creator. After I submitted my pictures, I got an email saying that I was compensated for my work which was really exciting because I didn’t know that I was going to get paid! Since then, I’ve been extremely grateful for receiving recognition from companies that value my work and I believe in myself even more.

What are the biggest lessons you’ve learned working for yourself and creating your own personal brand?

The biggest lesson I’ve learned is to TAKE A BREAK! You can easily get washed out and fall into a toxic relationship with yourself and the people around you, if you don’t take the time to do things that you love. Don’t get me wrong, building my brand is so fun for me because I feel like I’m my own editor and writer of a magazine. But even though I enjoy it so much, I also have to make room for the little things that do make me happy. Longboarding, journaling and going to the beach is something that I truly love doing and if I don’t make the time for myself to just relax and have fun, then it shows in my work.

What is your favorite part of being a content creator?

My favorite part about being a content creator is forming friendships and inspiring others to make their dreams come true! Whenever someone takes the time to tell me that my work inspires them, I have the biggest smile on my face and I start to get teary eyed. Empowering others to create and grow their influence is my intention, and when that intention is met, I can say that I am truly happy and proud of being a content creator.

Who is your biggest inspiration in the industry and why?

I have many people that inspire me, but the one person who really inspires me to go after what I want in life is Jaci Marie Smith. Her work ethic, creative eye and personality is so authentic and true to her and I strive to emulate the same qualities but with my own take on it. Her success inspires me to reach for the stars and to believe in myself the entire way up there.

What do you wish people knew about influencers?

HOW HARD WE WORK. Period. Being an influencer means that you wear many hats in the industry. You’re a model, photographer, creative director, producer, manager, stylist, editor, advertiser, the list can seriously go on… There is a lot that goes on behind the scenes that not a lot of people are aware of. Influencers get a bad name, but I’m not ashamed of doing what I do because I absolutely love being myself, inspiring others to do the same and have the privilege of monetizing my passions.

Where do you see yourself, as well as the industry, within the next few years?

I see myself working full-time as a content creator and growing my brand. I’m truly passionate about growing my platform and it’s something that I will continue to do. I think that the industry is only going to grow, which means that even more success will be able to go around!

What is the best piece of advice you have for people who want to build their own social media brand and get started in the industry?

START TODAY. DON’T COMPARE YOURSELF. HAVE FAITH AND BELIEVE THAT YOU WILL! Having a positive mindset is key in this industry. You will have highs and lows, but when the highs are high be proud and when the lows are low STILL BE PROUD, because you are making it happen. When you truly believe in yourself, anything is possible. Keep your head up and reach for the stars!


VizSense Vizionaries

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