VizSense Vizionary: Nichole Sesti

Our latest Vizionary is the one and only @nycnichole, Nichole Sesti! Learn more about Nichole below and make sure to give her a follow on Instagram!

How did you find the inspiration to start your page and take the leap as a content creator?

I started my page as a portfolio to apply for social media jobs but found I really enjoyed it and just kept going.

What is your overall inspiration for your posts and Instagram feed?

I am inspired by outfits and fashion!

What are the biggest lessons you’ve learned working for yourself and creating your own personal brand?

Staying consistent is the hardest and most important part. When you work for yourself, building your own brand, there is truly no one else who is going to do it for you. Staying consistent is key to success and getting yourself and your work out there.

What is your favorite part of being a content creator?

I love the ability and freedom to be creative on my own terms. From styling outfits to planning content shoots- I love every part of the creative process.

Who is your biggest inspiration in the industry and why?

I have so many people I am inspired by in the industry. What I love about this industry is that it is dominated by so many fierce, strong, and creative women. It’s not very common to see that so really any person who puts themselves out there is an inspiration to me.

What do you wish people knew about influencers?

How hard they work! This industry is no joke and takes so much time and effort - so many people don’t even realize what happens on the back end.

Where do you see yourself, as well as the industry, within the next few years?

Only going up from here! For me personally, I currently work a full-time job so my next step is to take content creating full time.

What is the best piece of advice you have for people who want to build their own social media brand and get started in the industry?

I have so much advice to give! There isn’t just one magic thing you can do that will instantly build your social media brand. The biggest lesson I’ve learned is also a huge piece of advice I would give, and that is to be consistent (which is so important!!) and I honestly could list out about 10 other things that are equally as important. When I first got started I looked to other influencers to try to learn these “industry secrets” and I had a lot of trouble finding answers to my questions. That’s why I decided to use my platform to be completely transparent about my journey as a content creator and to share all the answers to the questions I was trying to find answers to. I currently use my platform to share tips and tricks I’ve learned along my journey so If you’re reading this and want to know more - follow me @nycnichole!

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